Lin (ELO) has a focus on the application of holistic scientifically-based approaches complemented by applications of ancient wisdom. Her background is a MSc Psychology (Otago) and BA (Psych & Social Work, NUS) with formal training in Counselling, Coaching, Social work, Hypnotherapy, T-JTA, EAGALA, MI, ACT, MIECAT and Mindfulness-based Interventions.
Professionally, Lin has had the blessings of learning from well-respected people in the field and has also spend time researching and exploring the modallities applying them to herself and had explored aspects of a number of these approaches in a coaching research with others. This allows for her to respond with flexibility and match what arises in sessions whilst still maintaining a functional structure.
She has also enjoyed work briefly as a wildlife guide and tried her hands as an apprentice milker. She appreciates nature and the natural strength and goodness in people. More importantly, like you she is a human-being who encounters the ups and downs of life and the universal wish to be in contact with happiness and peace.
Lin is a Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC) Associate and is certified to deliver MBCT through the Oxford Mindfulness Centre UK Training pathway. She has been conducting mindfulness workshops and witnessing the shifts within people including herself, overseas and locally in New Zealand. Lin's background in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy stems from personal practice, experiencing the programme, conducting groups and attending training retreats; a memorable residential teacher-training retreat guided by Professor Mark Williams and Antonia Sumbundu, a non-residential teacher-training by Melanie Fennell and Ann Hackmann, Marie Johansson and Christina Surawy as well as workshops facilitated by Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn, and others over the years. She has also learned and co-teach with Prof Willem Kuyken and others. To maintain delivery integrity, she receives supervisions from OMC and continues to take development seriously. In her role as a psychologist with Shan You, she was instrumental in organizing for Professor Mark Williams, Melanie Fennell and Ann Hackmann to offer the first MBCT experience to Singapore in 2010 and 2011 and dedicated time and energy toward making MBCT and mindfulness programs available to the community, and supporting the continual growth. She is also certified to deliver .b Mindfulness in Schools (MiSP) programme. Lin is also involved internationally as a trainer for MBCT and also supervisors facilitators. She is also a trainer with Mindfulness Works, New Zealand and facilitates introduction to mindfulness workshops and trains and supports new facilitators in New Zealand and Australia. Lin offers mindfulness workshops according to needs of an organization and individuals, honoring the context and community.
Lin deeply respects and is forever grateful to Mark and each of the mentors at OMC and MiSP, and JKZ and colleagues and others in the field. As well as; family, friends, co-workers and her other Teachers from various walks of life. She is touched by those she encounters through the workshops and continues to learn from their interaction for there is value and courage in every journey.
Her motivation is to work alongside you in a way that suits and enlivens so that you can go on to be more at ease and become more familiar with discovery, and benefit yourself and others around.
e.g. Organizations who have requested her mindfulness or related services:
* Chorus, New Zealand - staff
* Mindfulness Works, New Zealand & Australia
* University of Canterbury, New Zealand - students
* University of Otago, Department of Psychological Medicine, Research Unit, Christchurch, New Zealand
* Shan You Counseling Centre, Singapore - staff and clients
* Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore - staff
* Temasek Polytechnic, Centre for Ageing Studies, Singapore - staff
Insight Christchurch, New Zealand - rehab for traumatic brain injury - staff and clients
* Arthritis New Zealand - clients
* New Zealand Schools - teachers and parents
* Pathway Health, New Zealand - staff
What some participants say:
" It has introduced to me a new way of living that i've known in theory but never gotten a chance to try it out until now. The skills and experience i've obtained from this programme can go a long way. It has enabled me to help myself and take care of myself.".
"It has allowed the length of time and space for clarity of reflection and learning. The knowledge and insights have implications on a personal and professional level. It is timely and greatly appreciated. Being experiential, it also has lasting impressions and hopefully that can help me sustain practice to some extent." ~ Sarah
"As of now, I felt that the mind is so powerful. What it made me all this while. I didn't know that all this while it is my mind and thoughts that have made my life very negative. It is the awareness of being in the present that has help me.
I learn now to appreciate the biggest gift i have, my mind. " ~ Fatrah